Chicken Welfare


—  chicken welfare  —

Making tasty chicken

We follow strict internal guidelines for handling chickens to ensure their welfare. We care about the humane treatment of our chickens throughout the production process.

We train all our employees who handle live birds. They are required to complete regular quarterly training on all aspects of the production process. Our contract growers also receive training and ongoing technical support. We take our welfare program very seriously and compliance is strictly monitored. Employees who violate our chicken welfare policy and procedures will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 


Health and Safety

We take care of our flocks, which means protecting them from disease and infections. We follow strict biosecurity procedures on our farms to prevent diseases, viruses and infections from being passed to the birds. We disinfect all vehicles coming to our farms, provide protective clothing for all farm workers and limit exposure to other bird farms. We work with our growers to make sure they follow similar procedures, which ultimately leads to birds being raised and processed in a humane way.